Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We have completed our home study and can now adopt a child privately or through an agency. We have sent our application in to Adoption Link. You can check them out on the web at http://www.adoptionlink.org/. We are busy trying to complete our bio and scrapbook, we need to send them 20 color copies of each. We are learning what it truly means to wait on God.

"Few of us enjoy having to wait for something we want. It is human nature to desire instant gratification, and it is devine nature to do many things very slowly. Growth is always imperceptible. [But the farmer exercises long patience in waiting for his crop (james 5:7). He has done his work and is assured of the result, hence he waits quietly. He is at rest because the outcome is certian.] If we could simply remember that this is true of EVERYTHING - that God's purposes are slowly being worked out for His glory and our good - we would, like the farmer, keep faith and wait quietly." Elisabeth Elliot

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